
Showing posts from May, 2023

i was absent

i was absent

i was absent


i was absent

i was absent

Write about what you have too much of

  Teenage years can be filled with stress from a variety of sources, such as schoolwork, relationships, and social pressures. If I'm feeling overwhelmed, it's important to find healthy ways to manage your stress, such as exercise, mindfulness, or talking to a trusted friend or adult. Social media can be a great way to connect with others and share your interests, but it can also be overwhelming and addictive. If I find my self spending too much time scrolling through your feeds or comparing yourself to others, consider taking a break or limiting your use. In addition to social media, there are many other screens competing for your attention, from TVs to video games to laptops. Too much screen time can lead to eye strain, sleep disturbances, and other health problems, so it's important to balance your screen use with other activities. As a teenage girl, I sometimes feel pressure to conform to certain expectations or stereotypes, whether it's about your appearance, inte

Writ about something you cant deny

  Regardless of one's personal beliefs, culture, or perspective, the laws of physics are a fundamental part of our reality and dictate how matter and energy interact with each other. These laws have been extensively tested and confirmed through experiments and observations, and they provide a foundation for our understanding of the natural world. For instance, the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed from one form to another. This law has important implications in many fields, including thermodynamics, mechanics, and electromagnetism, and it is essential in our daily lives, from powering our homes to fueling transportation. Other fundamental laws of physics the law of gravity, which governs the behavior of massive bodies in space, and they include the laws of motion, which describe how objects move in response to forces acting on them. Thus, regardless of our personal beliefs, the laws of physics are unden



Write about something/someone being born.

  In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness and silence. But then, a small spark appeared, barely visible at first, but growing brighter with every passing moment. It was the beginning of something new, something beautiful, something miraculous. Slowly, the spark grew and expanded, taking on a form that was both familiar and mysterious. It was a being, small and fragile, but full of life and potential. It looked around with bright eyes, taking in the world around it, eager to explore and learn. And so it began. The being took its first steps, stumbling and falling, but always getting back up again. It laughed and cried, loved and feared, experienced all the highs and lows that life had to offer. It made mistakes and learned from them, found joy and sorrow, and grew wiser and stronger with every passing day. The being was surrounded by others like itself, each one unique and special in its own way. They laughed and played together, shared their stories and dreams, and built a wor

Write a few pages in which you obsess over something meaningless.

  It all started with a small crack in the pavement. I couldn't help but fixate on it every time I passed by. At first, I thought it was just a temporary fixation, a passing fancy, but the more I looked at it, the more I became obsessed with it. I would find myself going out of my way to walk past the crack, just so I could see it again. I began to notice every detail, every nuance, every imperfection. I would inspect it from different angles, at different times of the day, under different lighting conditions. I even took photos of it with my phone, zooming in to capture every tiny aspect. As the days turned into weeks, my obsession with the crack only grew stronger. I started researching about cracks in pavements, their causes and effects, and the different ways they can be fixed. I even talked to some experts in the field, asking them about their opinions on the crack I had become so fixated on. I couldn't explain why I was so obsessed with this crack. It was just a tiny impe

Write about a time when you'd dressed inappropriately for the occasion.

Me personally, haven’t dressed inappropriately for an event but, one example of a time when a person might have dressed inappropriately for the occasion is attending a wedding in overly casual attire. Weddings are typically formal events, and guests are expected to dress accordingly as a sign of respect for the couple and the occasion. However, some guests may not be aware of the dress code or choose to ignore it, leading to awkward situations. For instance, wearing shorts and flip-flops to a wedding that calls for cocktail attire would be considered inappropriate. Such attire might make the guest stand out in a negative way and create an uncomfortable atmosphere. Dressing appropriately for the occasion shows respect for the hosts, the guests, and the event itself, and helps create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.